E.Fish | Re-Fished Version

So, to have something to do after the end of MiniJam 91: UFO and the beginning of MiniJam 92: Death, I reworked my jam game, E.Fish.

You can find the new version here: https://missingwilliam.itch.io/efish-refished-version

I'm leaving the classic version be where it was before, just in case someone wants to compare or smth. However the new version is better in almost any way I can imagine.

If you want to play it, you can find it here: https://missingwilliam.itch.io/efish-refished-version

Based on the feedback, this version has:

- An extended Main Theme.

- A dynamic graphic of the controls to play.

- A sound effect for the usage of water and food.

- A nerf on the A. Fish hunger meter.

- Instructions on how to play.

- The water bottle bug fixed

- An inclusion of the fish you chose to play with at the Game Over screen, making it easier to know how much score you got with that fish.

- A rounded score.

- More feedback for the players (A black mist, more volume on the SFX in general)

Hope you enjoy the game! The Re-Fished version is probably going to be the last one unless I decide to make a mobile version. Have fun!

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